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섹시한 시리아 반군 수장 [1]

소령 A#2 | 24-12-11 14:43:30 | 조회 : 668 | 추천 : -

현 시리아 반군 수장이자 전 알카에다 수장.






Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani dressed as a woman. PHOTO: Arabian Sources.

-Syrian Jihad Leader Arrested Disguised as Woman-

Earlier this week, many Arabic-language Internet news websites posted a series of pictures, purporting to be of the leader (or “emir”) of the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra [“Victory”] Front, which is in Syria waging jihad.

According to these reports, Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani had managed to pass several military checkpoints dressed as a woman, until he was arrested by the Syrian army in al-Jaswiya, al-Qusayr, in his attempt to flee to neighboring Lebanon: “He shaved his beard, worked his eyebrows, and put on mascara and lipstick till he looked exactly like a woman.”

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